Siding | Exterior Painting | Concrete Coating | Window Replacements | Doors | Window Treatments
Rebecca Harrell
June 20th, 2022
Whether you're looking to start a window replacement, bathroom remodel, or foundation repair, finding the right contractor can be difficult - especially when you're choosing between two or more companies. Comparing them on a surface level may not be helpful. It's hard to remember exactly what each company told you about themselves, especially if one never stuck out among the others. What you need is a list of criteria to fairly judge and compare two or more contractors to find the one that will fit your needs for your project.
Rebecca Harrell
June 16th, 2022
Of all the elements on this earth, the weather is always the most unpredictable and, at times, unforgivable.
Rebecca Harrell
June 14th, 2022
So, you’re ready to replace your home’s windows and are eager to start the design process.
Rebecca Harrell
June 10th, 2022
When you’re looking to replace your home’s windows, your head is spinning with the many details of this project. You’re thinking about how much a window replacement will cost, how you can find the right contractor, and what you want your windows to look like. Designing replacement windows is one of the most complex parts of the process. There are many components to customize on a window, and it all starts with the frame. Windows can be made of wood, fiberglass, vinyl, and aluminum, to name a few. Each frame material differs in how they perform and also how they look.
Siding | Exterior Painting | Concrete Coating | Window Replacements | Doors | Window Treatments
Rebecca Harrell
June 9th, 2022
Searching for employment, applying for prospecting work, and interviewing make up the trifecta that is job hunting. Whether you’ve been looking for work for a while, are unhappy with your current job, or just want to change things up, finding the right job for you can be stressful. You’re constantly reading through dozens of job descriptions and debating whether you should apply or not. After applying for a few potential employers, you finally get a bite. It’s time to go in for an interview. When preparing for an interview with a company, one of the first things you think about is, “What kind of questions are they going to ask me?”
Siding | Exterior Painting | Concrete Coating | Window Replacements | Doors | Window Treatments
Rebecca Harrell
May 31st, 2022
You know that feeling when you grab something you haven’t used in a while, and you find that it’s broken and unusable? We’ve all been there. When you discover something is broken, needs repairing, or must be replaced, the first things you probably think of are: How much you paid for it What it’s going to take to fix or replace it Especially when you find something in your home damaged, like your HVAC, siding, or water heater, you know it must be fixed quickly.