Siding | Exterior Painting | Concrete Coating | Window Replacements | Doors | Window Treatments | Warranty | Contractor
Rebecca Harrell
September 1st, 2022
The word “contract” can be an intimidating thing.
Rebecca Harrell
August 30th, 2022
After going through the trouble of researching the right window, finding the right contractor, and replacing your home’s windows…you find something wrong. Maybe the caulk is peeling up around the edges of the frame. Or maybe when you open the window, the sash won’t stay up. The point is that many issues can arise from an improper window installation, which is frustrating.
Siding | Exterior Painting | Concrete Coating | Window Replacements | Doors | Window Treatments | Warranty | Contractor
Rebecca Harrell
August 23rd, 2022
Before you invest in a high-dollar product, you want to know it will last, especially when it comes to your home. Whether you’ve already chosen to work with Southwest Exteriors on your next remodeling project or are still deciding between a few contractors, a large part of finding the right one is finding one you trust.
Rebecca Harrell
August 16th, 2022
Have you ever heard any suspicious noises coming from behind your walls or underneath your floorboards? If so, you’ve probably tried to investigate and figure out what exactly it could be by listening to its movements. Is it a mouse? Could it be a ghost? After inspecting all inside your home, you take the investigation outside. You walk around your exterior looking for possible signs of nests, holes, and damaged siding when….BOOM!
Rebecca Harrell
August 12th, 2022
When you pay for a service, you expect an even exchange. I pay for your product and service, and you provide it to me. Plain and simple, right? Well, this isn’t always the case. Mistakes happen, things fall through the cracks, and sometimes corners are cut. However, you never want these things to happen when installing your home’s brand-new windows.