One of the most important parts of our home exteriors is the siding. With so many things out there that can compromise your home’s structural integrity, the siding acts as an extra barrier that protects your property from the elements, pests, dirt, and moisture.
The siding is also there to provide extra insulation that can keep you and your family comfortable through cold winters and hot summers. Furthermore, beautiful siding can enhance your home’s curb appeal and increase your home’s value. That’s why we at Southwest Exteriors, one of the leading siding contractors in San Antonio TX, always make it a point to remind Texans that siding maintenance is vital to the home’s overall upkeep.If you have vinyl siding, you probably encounter moisture, mold, and algae a lot. That’s because vinyl siding is not designed to hold off moisture. In fact, vinyl siding is specifically designed to prevent an air tight seal so that the exterior walls in your home could “breathe”. Because of this, moisture can easily seep in between the spaces or cracks of each siding panel, and this could cause algae infestation and mold problems. When this happens, molds will appear as a white or gray powder with tiny specks of black that look nasty – truly a curb appeal buster.
So if you encounter any signs of moisture or molds, outside or inside your home and on your siding in San Antonio TX, call us at Southwest Exteriors. Our team of siding experts will thoroughly check your home to ensure that your siding is in good condition, and if repairs are necessary, we’ll do it for you. We can also provide you with a recommendation if your siding is beyond repair and needs to be replaced entirely. We provide only the best siding available in market today – James Hardie HardiePlank® siding.If you want to know more about our company, products and services, just give us a call and we’ll be more than happy to answer all your questions.