When selecting a window, you’re investing your money in 3 critical areas: Appearance, Performance, and Durability. All three of these qualities are needed to make a real improvement for your home.
Appearance is, of course, the most noticeable area of the three. If all you see from the inside and outside of your home is a massive window frame, or the color of the window frame doesn’t complement your walls, blinds, drapes etc., then you’re not going to be at all happy with the appearance of your windows. And they certainly aren’t going to enhance the appearance and value of your home. Don’t just let a salesperson tells you what looks good; you also need to trust your own taste and judgment. Window Performance is the second critical area to consider. If the window doesn’t have the KEY components necessary for optimal energy efficiency, year in and year out, then it’s not going to save you any REAL energy dollars…so you might as well keep what you have. You should also ask about things that are important to you like soundproofing, easy cleaning, and screens. Durability is the final critical area to consider. Will the window hold its shape, strength, and color for years to come? Will it operate smoothly, or will it begin to bind up, break down, or simply lose its seal over time. Do not buy windows unless you actually read the warranty. Don’t just let someone explain it to you. You want to make sure that you’re not pouring your money into a product that will fail within a couple of years.
If the window you’re looking at doesn’t meet ALL three criteria—Appearance, Performance, and Durability—then it’s not going to do what you want it to do. It won’t matter who is selling it, or how much they are selling it for. Don’t settle for a window that doesn’t give you the whole package. You might as well save your money and keep the windows you have. If you can’t find windows that meet your needs, you may need to start looking beyond the big box stores, outside of the coupons you get in the mail, or in a completely different price range.
I would recommend having a company that offers a design consultant, not just a salesman, to come out to your home and offer suggestions on types of windows that may work better in your home. They can also discuss the different styles of windows and color selections that are available to you. A design consultant can help you find a budget that can work for almost every situation, including financing options or completing the project in phases rather than all at once. He or she can help you achieve a higher home value, along with a more energy efficient home. Their desire is really no different from yours. They want to help you find the right window at the right price for your home.
Any further questions or comments? Feel free to get in touch with us, and we’ll be happy to help you any way we can.