How long does HardiePlank® siding last in San Antonio, TX? You know, this is a question that I get asked all the time by the prospective clients that I visit with. When making the decision to put HardiePlank® siding on the exterior of your home, most people come up with the obvious question of how long should HardiePlank® siding last on my home here in San Antonio. This is a very good question, and we must consider several factors in order to answer it correctly.
Engineered for the Climate
First of all, one of the greatest things about HardiePlank® siding is that it is engineered specifically for the climate in which we live. In finding the best way to customize their products for all homeowners, James Hardie separated the United States into Northern and Southern regions and formulated their products to meet the needs of the specific environments of those two regions. For those of us in San Antonio, their Hardie Zone 10 product fits our needs perfectly. What that means for you as a homeowner is that the material going on the outside of your home is engineered precisely for the type of environment your home is exposed to everyday.Quality of Installation
The second most important factor that affects the longevity of your James Hardie® siding is the quality of installation. To be honest, this is just as important, if not more so, than the actual product being installed. If it is not installed by certified and qualified installers, you're better off keeping what you have already on or in your home and avoiding a tremendous risk of damage to your home or worsened problems down the road. This is why it is extremely important to do your homework and to make sure that the company you're dealing with employs only the installers that are able to provide a high level of craftsmanship on your project.Installation Materials
Finally, just as there are right and wrong installers for your project, there are also right and wrong materials that can be used to complete the installation. The most important thing to remember is that if you're installing a material that has a lifespan of 50 years or more, what good is it to use a two-year calk or nails that will rust after exposure to the first bit of moisture? Believe it or not, we’ve actually seen this before from other installers. Improper flashing, improper caulking, and improper exposure to ground or rooflines are all common problems that would negatively affect the longevity of the James Hardie® product. The easiest way to make sure that you don't fall victim to any of these problems is to make sure that you choose a contractor that is going to consider all of these things so you don’t have to worry about it.As a fiber-cement product, HardiePlank® siding is built with the same durability of brick or stone, so with proper installation and basic routine maintenance, it should last the lifetime of the home. As far as warranties are concerned, the James Hardie® manufacturer’s warranty, which is contingent upon a strict set of installation guidelines, is guaranteed for 30 years. Additionally, Southwest Exteriors offers extended component and workmanship warranties that we’d love to tell you more about.
Questions about HardiePlank® siding? Feel free to post a comment below or contact us directly.
Ryan Houchen Exterior Designer