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How Long Do Wood Windows Last?

Wood Window

Wood Window

How long will the wood windows in your home last? Well, if you live in an older home with the original wood windows, then you have a pretty good chance of having them last a long time as long as you refurbish them and continue to maintain them correctly.

Lucky for you, the wood that was used to construct windows a century ago was much harder and not near as prone to wood rot as the wood that is used in wood windows today. However, the cost of refurbishing your existing wood windows may prohibit you from doing the project. Here’s a look at what the process entails.

Refurbishing Wood Windows

The extensive process of refurbishing wood windows must include the following:
  • The windows are removed from the home
  • The glass and putty are removed from the window
  • The paint is scraped and sanded to a bare surface
  • New glass is inserted and glazed, usually only single-paned glass
  • The window is primed, repainted, and then replaced in the home.
Additionally, the weight and pulley system as well as the weather stripping will almost always need to be replaced or adjusted. The price per window can be anywhere from $1,000-$2,000, or even more. For folks who live in a historic district, this may be their only option. It’s important to note that the paint finish will always need to be maintained, or you run the risk of the window expanding and no longer opening or closing.

Wood Replacement Windows

Wood replacement windows are a less expensive option than refurbishment; however, they will likely not last as long. The primary problem as mentioned initially is the lower quality of the wood. A secondary problem lies in the technology of the design and manufacturing process. The replacement wood windows today are more complicated, therefore creating more failure points than a simple older window. If you do choose to go the replacement wood window route, you will want to choose a reputable manufacturer and read the warranty information very closely. Your climate and the quality of installation will affect how long your windows will last. You will also need to maintain the paint or stain finish and lubricate the hardware to extend the life of your product.

Questions about wood windows? Feel free to post a comment below or contact us directly.

Maurine Molak Administration Leader